Clinic FAQ
Please read this page in its entirety to minimize any confusion during the clinic.
How much is the fee and what is included?
The cost of the clinic is $32 per student. This covers the cost of the clinic, dinner Friday, lunch Saturday, and the clinic shirt.How do I pay the fee?
Each school's band director should collect the fees of their students in pay for all students in full with a school check, band director check, or money order.Where is registration?
Registration will be at LNC High School cafeteria. There will be signage directing you.
When you come in off of Old Statesville Rd. (do not use Verhoeff Rd.), follow the road that splits the campus (outlined in GREEN) until you reach the ⭐STAR⭐ on the map where registration will be held.
Who can check students in?
ONLY THE DIRECTOR CAN CHECK STUDENTS IN. If you arrive before your director, please wait in your vehicle until they arrive.
What time should I arrive on Friday?
Please do not arrive before 3:35 pm as carpool traffic is very heavy before then.Where should I park?
Parking is outlined in PURPLE (see maps). All cars and busses park here.
Where does the High School Band Rehearse?
The HS band will rehearse in the HS gym (also the location of concert)Where does the MS Blue Band rehearse?
The MS students will be escorted to the MS campus at 4:00 and will rehearse in the gym there, marked with a blue X on the map.Where does the MS Green Band rehearse?
The MS students will be escorted to the MS campus at 4:00 and will rehearse in the gym there, marked with a Green on the map.Where is Middle School (both bands) pickup Friday and drop off Saturday?
All MS traffic for pickup Friday and drop off Saturday will travel around the outside of the track, with students loading/unloading by the carpool canopy. See Middle School Friday Pickup and Saturday Dropoff Map
NO VEHICLES SHOULD USE THE SIDE PARKING LOT NEXT TO THE MS GYM!What should I do if I am picking up a HS and MS student?
If parents are picking up a MS and HS student, they should pick up their HS student first and then go through the MS pickup line (see map below)Where will meals be?
Bands will eat meals on the campus their rehearsal is at (MS Bands in MS Cafe, HS Band in HS Cafe ⭐)
Does my student have to be at all rehearsals?
Students are required to be at all rehearsals for the entire rehearsal. Failure to do this will result in termination of student's spot at the clinic.
What do percussionists need to bring?
Percussionists should bring all sticks/mallets (we will have mallets for large instruments)Do students need to bring music ?
Please ensure students have physical copies of all music before arriving at the clinic.
When do students receive their clinic shirt?
Shirts will be distributed at dinner Friday.What is the attire for the concert?
Attire for the concert is the clinic shirt, khaki or dress pants, closed toed shoes